Every Which Way but Loose

What gives you direction in life?

Do I have a direction? I certainly do not feel like I do. I suppose that at this stage of my life direction is no longer important.  When we are young, we are expected to have a direction, graduate high school, do ABC to obtain XYZ dream job, get married, buy a home, have a family.  Then what? Where do you go from there?

For me I only got through A and B so XYZ never came to be. I fell into the career I have now been in for 20 plus years. I got married, had a family well before having a home and since then my life has not seemed to go in any real direction. I seem to be riding the waves of things that happen to me and just trying to do the best I can with whatever my current situation.

Once upon a time, my father gave me direction, he was my compass and my anchor. So many long talks on the back porch, guiding me through difficult decisions and giving so many life lessons.  What a wealth of wisdom lost too soon. When he died, I felt lost, adrift on the treacherous seas with no compass, no anchor and no lighthouse showing me the way. I know I made bad choices that had he still been here would never have been made.

Here it is 14 years later, and I have successfully navigated myself away from those bad decisions, but their influences and consequences still remain. I suppose their effects will follow me the rest of my life and all I can do is move forward. So, I guess that is my direction forward. 

What is it that keeps me going forward? Faith, Hope and Love.

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